Monday, May 6, 2019

Pillow Blanks

 I'm ready to turn this piece of canvas into a pillow top! 
 Isn't it perfect for April, even if it is late to the party!
 My other orchid opened into two beautiful blooms-
now they have each other to brighten their windowsill!
And I am working on the pillow for May so I will have two new pillows very soon!


  1. Hope all this home activity means Bill is home and recovering? Still praying for the whole family!

  2. Both embroidered pieces represent Spring through Summer and are delightful.

  3. Gorgeous pillow top. And those orchids!!!! I kill an orchid if I look at it. Yours are wonderful.

  4. Just wondering---is there anything you can't do?

  5. I found it so interesting that you can give your orchids to a sitter who till try to get it to bloom! You don't need one


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.