Wednesday, May 15, 2019


 The Zigzagular socks are almost knitting themselves!
I am enjoying the speckled yarn
though I have knit these socks in so many kinds of yarns-tonal, striped and plain-
and they all look good!
It is a free pattern on Ravelry and you should give it a try!
I work several rows the Begonia sweater sleeve-
8 between sleeve increases-
and it is a good knit 
which is a good thing because I have another sleeve to make!


  1. That is a fun sock pattern! Very nice. Love the speckles.

  2. Those do look like fun socks. I'm going to save that pattern to my library for some future socks.

  3. Those speckled socks are so much fun. They look like Funfetti cake!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.