Saturday, April 4, 2020

Negative COVID-19 Again

It's nice to be in an area of the hospital that doesn't look like a HazMat team!
A regular ward ;   and while my care is excellent, I am so very ready to be home. The pneumonia is improving but it's just so very slow. And I am getting weary. 

Here is something to brighten my day -a beautiful bouquet of flowers from my children and brands that adds color to this rather sterile environment.


  1. I bet you are ready to get home! Those flowers are lovely. When Middle Son was 3 he had pneumonia. It was a 10 day hospital stay so I know just how you feel. I had to sleep in a chair by his bed the whole time. The photos of me from his release day look like I had been the sick one. Araignee

  2. At least there is improvement! Keep that up and you'll be home in no time!

  3. Praying for your speedy recovery.

  4. Sending prayers and healing thoughts.

  5. I'm glad you tested negative again and I can sure understand you being ready to go home. The flowers are lovely. I'm continuing to pray for you my friend.

  6. I am glad you tested negative and that you are in a more normal area of the hospital. Your flowers are beautiful and should certainly brighten your day. Hope you recover quickly and are soon back at home!

  7. little steps, but they'll add up! I hope you can go home soon - I was in hospital only once, but I hated every second of it:( fingers crossed that you can go home soon!:)

  8. Continued prayers for your recovery. Just focus on the healing and let time do its thing. Do you at least have some hand knitting with you?

  9. So glad you are feeling at least a little better and gorgeous flowers!! Stay well and don't expect to be up and running around too soon!!! Sending healing thoughts your way.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.