We began our day yesterday with a Christmas time!
So nice to spend time together!
Late morning, we went to a great ice cream store
and everyone picked their favorite flavor;
I had a Dole Whip (no milk) and it was fantastic!
Onto the boardwalk from the parking area to the beach!
It was the longest walk I enjoyed all week!
Within minutes we saw this group head by--Ella, who is enamored of all things 'horse' was mesmerized!
Caleb and Cassandra enjoyed some down time, too.
The pleasure of playing with seagulls never fails to please.
Ella had quite a following-in air and on the ground!
Eli was happy to build a wall
and dig trenches for the waves to destroy!
After a delicious beef stew when back to their home, we did a bit of target practice--but this is not a gun;
it is a CO2 powered AirJavelin!
It shoots arrows!
No kickback and it was so much fun!
I was pleased to see I could hit
right where I called out each time!
Goodbyes are always tough
but we had a beautiful sunset all the way home!