Friday, February 17, 2023


Another furbaby needed a lap to help me knit!  I've enjoyed a few days with the grands;  I had a quiet day while they were at school and then much laughter and joy after school!
I made a few quilt blocks. I couldn't press them because I didn't have an iron here!  Finger pressing to the rescue!
After I made my own little nook for sewing, I could leave the blocks out and ready for me to stitch!


  1. I just found a bag of sock scraps I planned to mail you!!! At the bottom of a knitting bag. So off to the mail box sometime soon I hope. Love the kitty snuggles. And love your stars!

  2. Lovely blocks! It's amazing what we can do in a pinch to keep our projects going.

  3. Kitty's seem to love to snuggle when yarn is involved. It's like it hypnotizes them. :-) Your quilt blocks are really pretty too. I'm glad you're enoying grandchild time. I sure did enjoy my time with Baby J. She had a cold the last week I was there and I'm pretty sure that's where I got this. I'm trying very hard to avoid a doctor visit and I'm hoping I will be better by Monday.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.