Sunday, February 12, 2023


As so often happens when I am looking for something else,
 I found a project I had started years ago!
I cut a few more strips with this Fraser cutter (1/8" strips).
And hooked for an hour.  I found my technique in no time
 but I had completely forgotten how long this takes 
to workm an area only 3" x 1" !!!!! 
 I was a bit discouraged by this discovery.
(which is probably why it was stuffed into a bin in the first place!)
I did find an old project that was completed but needed to be bound so it is ready for sewing into a pillow, 
wall hanging or footstool which is what this will be.
  I hope to build the footstool myself 
and turn the legs on the lathe! 
 How's that for ambition?
  I think I would prefer building to hooking any day!


  1. The finished piece is lovely. At one point I thought of doing hooking...glad I did not pick up yet another hobby!! LOL

  2. Wow those are some teeny tiny strips. No wonder it takes so long but it does look amazing. The ones I use are really wide which makes them a struggle to pull through sometimes but it does go faster. Having said that it still takes me years and years to finish anything.

  3. Pretty projects. I’ve never tried rug hooking, but several years ago, I did two needlepoint footstool tops for me and my oldest sister (the stools were purchased) and I still use mine.

  4. I really like the finished rug hooked project. It's lovely. My Dad used to do rug hooking in his later years. He made at least one wall hanging for each grandchild. I've never enjoyed it myself though.
    I'm so glad to be back visiting with you again. I did read your blog and follow your trip back home, just couldn't comment.
    Blessings and hugs,


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