Thursday, May 18, 2023


The last 15' of the front garden was weeded and mulch added.  
I couldn't celebrate too long because there is also the back of the house!
This isn't as long nor as wide and the weeding was done yesterday!  I had it done in no time! Ha!  It was in the 90's and I felt like a hot dog on the grill when I finished! It is looking a bit bare-the frost killed almost all of the plants but don't worry, I have a carload of flowers to plant today, also!

In the back of the garage, the Tree Crinum is blooming again!  It is a tall plant-taller than I am and the bloom is about 14" across!  It has a beautiful tropical perfume!
Speaking of perfume, the Plumeria is in bloom and look at all of those buds!!! I do love and apprciate flowers that are beautiful to both the eye and the nose!
Some stitching was accomplished at quilting group the other day--two quilts bound!  I still have the borders to sew to the bottom quilt--I will remedy that today!


  1. It looks great! I have to sit by and let the weeds take over this year but next year there will be some serious mulching going on. All this new sun out front has created the perfect storm for weeds and I have lost the battle already.

  2. Plumeria’s scent always reminds me of Hawaii - so lovely.

  3. Your flower beds look great! Such a lot of work though. Hope you're drinking lots of water. :-) I don't miss yard work at all. This is our first summer since we were married without yard work of any kind. I must admit, I think it will be nice, although I will miss the few veggies I grew.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Lena looks so comfy! The Plumeria and the Tree Crinum are very pretty.

  5. I know what you mean about hot dog on the grill - I got roasted when I was digging my new beds! The temp has dropped here again, and we even got a little frost last night.

    I love the plumeria - I wish I could grow it here.

  6. You put me to shame!! You are the energizer quilter! Great stuff all around, bowls, quilts, and garden.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....