Thursday, May 4, 2023


The borders are added to the Mini Petals quilt. 
 I have the backing for this so it will go on the frame next week.
I cut out some more squares for the disappearing 4 patches.
I had help along the way! 
I made another zippered pouch;  this time it is a larger size. 
 12" x 9"
The back is quilted for holding its shape better!

The inside is a pretty denim fabric.
So the putty had dried just as it was supposed to.  I sanded it and it will be very shiny after I apply the finish to the wood.
There were a few cracks that I needed to fill with CA glue (Cyanoacrylate Glue which is better known as Crazy Glue or Super Glue) and some sawdust because they were too thin to fill with the putty.
It was going well until I fumbled the bottle and tried to catch it before it hit the floor.  I missed but was bent over it when it hit the floor and splashed right up into my face and in particular, my right eye!  The eye and eyelids were glued firmly together! 
 I ran into the house calling for Bill to help! 
 After considerable water soaking, we could get the eyelids open but there was a bit of glue visible on my eye so off to the Vision Center we went!  The doctor used a saline wash and then contact lens solution alternately so he could work the glue off my eyelashes and lids.  It also took the lump off my eye but the good news was that the glue hit the white of my eye and not the cornea because Super Glue can eat right through that lens!!!  I went home with a script for antibiotic/steroid drops to use for a few days!  It is a tolerable pain-like a finger poked my eye and stayed there! lol   Never boring!


  1. Yikes!!! Thank goodness you could get to a doctor. What a horrible thing to have happen. Glad you are ok.

  2. Oh, good golly!!!! What an adventure and NOT in a good way. I hope that eye is on the mend soon.

  3. Oh no! That is a catastrophe! I am notorious for getting weird things in my eye - I once squirted garlic juice in my eye while pressing garlic cloves. That was not pleasant! But at least it wasn't super glue!

    Im glad you were able to get it fixed up!

  4. Oh no! God was sure with you that you were able to get into the doctor so quickly. That would be so scary. I will pray that everything heals well and that there are no adverse results with your vision. I'm so sorry.
    Blessings and love,

  5. Yikes! I’m glad Bill was there to help you and the optometrist was able to get the residue out of the eye. Do you wear protective eyewear when working on the lathe?

  6. Eeks! So glad you had help and a quick appt. with an optometrist! I hope your eye is all better soon. BTW, I love that quilt.


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....