Saturday, June 24, 2023


I've bought a smaller,less expensive tumber to make  faux sea glass!  Watch the horizen for a new craft in a future post!
I put some of the sea glass I have found on the beach but the edges weren't quite rounded enough.  The same way I load the barrel with grit, this is loaded but instead of 4-6 weeks,
 this only requires 4 days!
I will also try breaking some of the collected  glass  to tumble so that I can round out my glass palette!
It is a cute little tumbler and fits right on the shelf above my rock tumbler;  both are pretty quiet which is much appreciated!  I hope to have some results from both batches to share on Tuesday!


  1. I love sea glass. My mom used to pick it up in her daily beach walks and always had a bowl of it that I like to play with. It's somehow a very soothing substance to have in your hands.

  2. How fun! I have a lovely necklace pendant made from green sea glass, I should wear it more often.

  3. I've always loved sea glass. I think you've found a new addiction haven't you? I can't wait to see it.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. I wish you could see the rock I found yesterday when the tide was out on the beach in Bellingham, WA!

  5. We used to have a tumbler when I was a kid, it was fun to see the results - looking forward to seeing how the glass turns out! xx


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!