Wednesday, June 14, 2023


The Steam Punk quilt is not only bound but is also washed and dried!  This one is for me--
here is one of my favorite blocks...
and here is another!  The quilt ended up being 40 x 52"--just right for somthing to throw on my lap so Lena will curl up on my lap! lol
I pulled out someFQ's and some yardage to crank out some pieces to make a new quilt.
After I had cut out a few blocks, a thought poked its way through my mind and I realized it wasn't the blocks I wanted to do but by then I was committed so I stuck with it!  There will be 12 blocks at least in total.  It might be hard to tell but it is a FQ pack of indigo prints with a mottled beige for the opposing fabric.  Only the top left block has been pieced, the rest are just on the design wall.  

I will be piecing some more but first I have a dr appt and then we will be installing the 2 shelves!


  1. Indigo and neutral…what’s not to love about that color combination?! -Marsel

  2. Great finish! Lap quilts are so fun to make. Instant gratification. I love the batiks on the new one. They make such an interesting texture.

  3. I love that steam punk quilt too. Steam punk is such an interesting concept isn't it? The new quilt is going to be so pretty. I really like the colors together.
    Hope the doctor goes well and the shelves go up easy.
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Google won't let me sign in, Chriskntis here, Seems I have been very awol from blog reading. Oh my have you gotten so much done! And all of it just wonderful. Love the QofV!!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!