Sunday, June 11, 2023


We have a fellowship meal after church today and while cooking isn't my favorite way to spend and hour, I did make something I have been hankering for!  It is called Zippy Copper Pennies.  I did have to buy the  carrots but it has diced green pepper and banana peppers from my garden in it!  (I also made a large meat loaf but that was a boring photo-you know what it looks like!)
It was also time to change the rocks yesterday-they are finally done! 
These are the ones from my granddaughters when I went to Washington in April.
And these are my rocks from their creek--I am going to begin their 6 weeks of tumbling now!
I also finished piecing the courthouse steps blocks with the 'fancy' shoes in the center of each block.  I did have just the right color green for the solid blocks but I didn't have the orange or blue so this will be on hold until I get to the quilt shop this week.
I finally bit the bullet and ripped out all of the stitching and then loaded it on the frame, even though it was trimmed already, and it lined up and stitched beautifully!  Phew!
Many years ago, my daughter gave me a very long piece of fabric to make one 'everyday' size tablecloth and one very long one for when I have the whole gang here!
The everyday one is completed and instantly cat approved!  The stinker had wet feet, too, from the rain storm tonight!  Gotta remember how much I love her!


  1. I tasted the Copper Penny dish years ago and loved it. Yours looks yummy.

  2. Naughty kitty! Wish you were close enough to polish my Washington/Oregon rocks. Nice work on that new quilt and all that ripping out on the other one. The latter must have been so frustrating!

  3. What a good idea for carrots. I never know what to do with them. The rocks turned out beautifully! Such a variety of color and texture. Wet kitty and dog feet is a given around here. My new laminate floor is driving me crazy. Every footprint stays on it until I mop it up.

  4. I've never heard of the Copper Penny dish but it does look good. The quilts are coming along nicely. I just got home from JoAnn's and Michaels trying to find yarn for a few gifts and a shawl for me for the wedding in September. No luck. I had wanted to touch it and see it in person before I buy. I'm going to try a few yarn shops tomorrrow before I order online.
    It nice and cool here and we have the window open and the birds are singing. It's wonderful.

  5. Copper Pennies sounds interesting.. and yay for produce from your garden!!!


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The Fringe tree is a little late this year  but it has been very dry so it will not be in bloom long!  This type of tree is called hysterant...