Friday, May 17, 2024


Dad's flowers---Azalea
Quince bush.
Dogwood in the back and Hydrangea in the front.
Mom and I are working on this puzzle-
It doesn't fit on the table!  
Then we took a walk next door
 to my sister's to see her major project!
I wandered around to look at her pretty plants! 
 We call this hen and chicks.
Her Azalea.
And then the cement truck came!  
The work began to pour the pool patio!
I enjoy seeing the dandelions--
--in all of its stages;  we don't have them in our yard back home!
When we went back down after dinner, 
we could savor the finished work with her!  Beautiful!

Today, we are heading to Lake Ontario!



  1. What gorgeous flowers. Love the shape of the pool

  2. What a beautiful pool! How exciting to see it come to life. You make me laugh with the puzzle that didn't fit the table. I do that all the time. Math is

  3. Wow! That orange azalea is so beautiful and that puzzle is so fun with all of the different birds. We have always had hen and chicks but I've never seen one with the red tones in it.
    The pool is gorgeous! Lucky lady. I've always wanted a pool and now we have one here at the condo. We just wish it was year round and not outside.

  4. Tell Lake Ontario I said hi - and I miss her!


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