Saturday, May 4, 2024


 One shawl off the needles and ready for the blocking table! 
 I love to see the amazing transformation
 from loosey-goosey knitting to delicate laciness! 
 I will post the finish tomorrow!
In the meantime, I am picking up to other forgotten project
 and knitting away on that one!


  1. A craft group friend -- who moved away last year -- was always knitting fine lace shawls -- the transformation with blocking really was amazing. With crochet, don't have to worry so much about blocking.

  2. That is going to be lovely. I rarely block blankets and such before storing them so my photos are always of wavy projects. I wash and block them just before giving them away. That way they are all fresh and clean.
    I'm looking forward to seeing your shawl all done. :-)

  3. Nice work! It will be fun to see it when you are done blocking it. I need to follow your example and get busy on my WIPS. I won't tell how many I have though. Sadly I am better at starting than finishing!

  4. Isn't it great to get those old projects checked off the list! I was at the MDSW today in the pouring rain. I had thought about digging out an old shawl and blocking it to wear and am glad I didn't. I came home soaked. It's usually a sea of beautiful shawls walking by there but not this year. I did get to see an interesting assortment of

  5. Can't wait to see that one in her blocked glory!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!