Tuesday, May 28, 2024


I've had a raw fleece that has needed my attention for a few years and I finally got to work on it!  I fill a large canning pan with hot water and some Dawn detergent and haul it out front in the sunshine to soak.  Since we are in a heat wave of high 90's for temperatures, I figured I might as well use it to my advantage since heat is what helps the fleece let go of the lanolin and dirt.
  I was pleased to see that after 5 or 6 pans full of water, 
the water ran clean when I rinsed it!
It didn't take long for the fleece to dry in that kind of heat either!  
This is the clean lock for this Cotswold wool.  
If you have any familiarity with Medieval times, 
 the wool of fame was this Cotswold breed.  
I was so excited to give it a try!
A few locks look like this with a bit of finger fluffing;  
it is a super soft wool;  an against-your-skin-soft wool!
I couldn't wait to card up a bit of a preview of the wool using my hand cards.  Today, I will haul the drum carder outside to give it a go and make some batts for spinning. 

 I am always torn because I want to get spinning but I also love to spin COLOR!!! But that means dyeing the wool. I will have to figure out if I want to add that step before I begin spinning! 
 We will see what I decide to do!


  1. Have fun! Looks like another BIG project, but I'm sure you will enjoy.

  2. It always amazes me just how much work goes into making wool

  3. Oh, my goodness, a canning pan! That brings back SO many memories. . .

  4. Look at that crimp! How I miss processing my own wool, spinning it and then knitting up the finished project. I'll now enjoy each step through you. I know it will be beautiful.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. What wonderful softness!! Eager to see what you decide.

  6. Fleece washing is such a zen pastime. I love watching it go through all the stages. It's so satisfying. I've got one that I washed ages ago sitting here waiting for me to decide what to do with it. Personally, I like to dye the fiber because it's more fun to spin but truthfully, mine looks better when I dye it afterwards. I'm sure whatever you do will look great. I have NO talent for dyeing.

  7. Wow! washing, carding and spinning your own wool. Amaze--balls as someone says. (can't remember where I first heard that term!) That's a lot of work to get to knitting. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make from this wool.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!