Friday, May 24, 2024


Travel is hard but it's faster than going by car!!!  I didn't have too much drama traveling but there was a ton of turbulence! 
 I still managed to do a lot of knitting on the new sock!  
I am almost ready to begin the cuff in solid brown. 
 I really enjoyed using this Helical striping method!  
See you soon, Dad and Mom....


  1. The Weather Channel has been talking about this unprecedented turbulence issue. They are even issuing a daily report since it's been so bad. I can't believe some of the photos being shown of what's happening on the inside of planes. It must be terrifying.

  2. I'm glad you're back home and safe. Sorry I've been absent this week. I didn't have any internet to comment with. I have been reading your posts though. I think those helical socks are great and I'm going to watch a video on it for my next pair. Sorry about your Dad's arm. I hope it's not too painful for him. I'm sure it's a huge burden off of your heart to know that your sister is so close by if they need her.

  3. So sweet. Glad you got to spend that time.

  4. Your parents are so cute! Love your socks ☺️

  5. Still loving the color pairing! At least you didn't have the issue the Singapore flight had!!

  6. Fun socks! Hope your dad is feeling lots better by now.


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I worked hard to sew the last 5 rows together and then to the top 5 which were already sewn pre-Sepsis!  It was a lot of work and stumbling ...