Monday, May 27, 2024


The first Helical striped sock is finished--the yarn is from Webs, their Valley Yarns Huntington in Arctic and Chocolate colors.  Perfection!
I also cast on a new sweater, this time a top-down t-shirt style one in this cotton yarn.  So far so good. (This is out of the yarn that I started a few months ago and bombed the sweater. 
 Both the yarn and the pattern are a hit with me this time!)



  1. Love the cotton and what a great new cast on! I’ve had that pattern for ages ,,,l look forward to seeing how yours turns out.

  2. Absolutely love that sock and the sweater looks great too. I think I would have a hard time putting it down. I would want to finish it so I could wear it.

  3. I love the colors in that sock. Starting a new sweater is exciting. I wish I could get some of these I have on the needles done. I need something new.

  4. Ooh, that pattern calls to me! But I have too much sewing to do. LOL And I see you got a top in on the sewing machine. Love it!

  5. I have that sweater pattern AND the yarn. I should get going on that.


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