Tuesday, May 14, 2024


The new warp is threaded and the beginning of the towel has begun!  The first light color is going to be the hem area.  The next few inches are the first stripe, next is a grey stripe and then the aqua again until I reach the other end! 
 This pattern is called a broken 2/2 t will with 8/4 cotton. 
The Buddha plant is blooming!
So is the dwarf canna lily from my daughter for Mother's Day many years ago and it has bloomed every year since!
The plumeria is growing its flower!  I hope I don't miss seeing this...
or the tiger Lily because I am on my way to Syracuse, NewYork, to see my parents!  Bill is staying home to keep the home fire burning and take care of the cats!  I don't adore travel but that's the only way to get to see my northern family!
  I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!


  1. Safe travels and have a wonderful visit!

  2. So envious of your multi talents!!! It will be so pretty when done.

  3. Lovely weaving! I like that twill.
    Have fun with the family!

  4. I hope you had a safe trip and have a wonderful time with your family. I haven't been around much the past week because we were camping for three days and houseguests were here less than an hour after we arrived back home. Surprise! We're early! (I was still in the shower!)
    Anyway, I've been trying to catch up this evening but I think I'm just going to have to start again as of today.
    Have fun and enjoy every moment.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!