Saturday, May 25, 2024


I brought these blocks home leftover from a quilt Mom had made several years ago.  It will make a nice table topper for her. 
 I will be layering it and quilting it today along
 with a few other quick projects for the frame.
I also enjoyed some weaving since I have missed that quite a bit!  The color is off-it is actually a soft grey/aqua in the center
 but you will be seeing it again before I finish it! lol
I also thought it appropriate to work on the red/white/blue panel
 this weekend.  I like the first few sections but the next needs some work-it is too vague or pale compared to the other. 
 I will figure it out when I play around again today!  


  1. How nice of you to finish off those squares into a nice table topper for your Mom. I know she'll appreciate it. Weaving fascinates me. I sure don't understand how it works but I do think the end product is stunning.
    Thank you for remembering the reason for Memorial Day. So often it gets lost in the celebration of the beginning of summer.
    Enjoy your day my friend.

  2. Looks like you've been busy with some really nice projects!

  3. What a sweet idea for your mom. And just loving that weaving!!

  4. I made a threading error so I spent a few days re-threading all those heddles. Ugh.....I think I have it fixed now. When will I ever learn to check for loose threads.


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!