Tuesday, August 27, 2024


This is my niece;  she is a diy-er like me!  We overhauled a closet upstairs to make it a more usable space! 
First, we removed the steel clothes rod.
Then we installed the cut lumber for the shelves, painted them 
and attached the brackets for holding them in place.  
After a bit of paint for touching up installation scuffs, we had a space that needs to be filled with yarn!

I am very close to the last rows but I think it needs a few more. 
Then I will work around the edge in half double crochet stitches 
and it is done!
Guess what we will be doing today!


  1. Fun! Is that the closet straight ahead at the very top of the stairs? It’s a great idea! -Marsel

  2. Nice re-do on the closet!!

  3. I'm just about to tackle a few closets myself. Why have a wasted space when you can fill it with crafty things, right?
    That blanket is beautiful. It looks so soft and squishy.

  4. That's going to be a wonderful little yarn cupboard!

  5. You are so clever! Your crocheting is so impressive, too.

  6. A perfect yarn cupboard. What will you do today? Shop for yarn to fill the closet?
    Love the blanket. Your artist eye chose fantastic colors.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.