Friday, August 9, 2024


LapCat horns in on LapTop, every time. 
 It's like a magnet for her! Somehow, I end up with my laptop at an awkward angle next to me so she can curl up on my lap instead! 
 I am trained well.
Lena just likes to sit at the foot of the bed 
and play with the stuffies!
And then she is down for the count!
On the fiber front, I am glad to report I can sit down and WEAVE whenever I have a few minutes and it is wonderful.
Also,  I worked out a balanced count for the pattern to have Log Cabin squares like it is supposed to have!  


1 comment:

  1. I love it when the pattern emerges. At first you can't see it and you think you did something wrong and then like magic-there it is!


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