Saturday, August 3, 2024


360 Threads to be exact!  Just doing an inch at a time 
(20 threads per inch), I have taken quite a bit of time
 but it is all threaded and double checked for accuracy.
Now, unfortunately, I have to wait until a delivery
 on next Tuesday to be able to thread the reed 
because I needed a different one to make the numbers work out! 
 I have plenty of other things to fill my time between now and then!


  1. I was lucky that the lady who sold me her loom gave me all the reeds and other things you need with it. I wouldn't have known to buy all those things like lease sticks and raddles. I had to switch up reeds on my last project to get the right count and it was the first time I ever had to do that.

  2. I think you and Debbie are speaking a foreign language. Reeds, lease sticks and raddles! But it's good to take your time and not have to redo it all!
    Blessings and hugs,


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