Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Mom likes a good scrap yarn project so we are making lap robes in this 'new-to-us' entrelac stitching in Tunisian crochet.  It was not too long before we figured it out and we are having fun picking out colors!  Mine is on the top, Mom's on the bottom in pink and golden yellow--she has more done since I took the pic.  She always complains I go too fast--cuz I do!  My sister and brother in law came up for a visit last night and I kept working but Mom had to stop so she could join in the conversation and laughter!
During the day and in between rain bouts, we picked up some branches.  We stopped to admire my parents' huge hydrangea bush (tree) and it is so heavy with blooms some of the branches are hanging way down under their weight!  This bloom is about 12" long
while there are lots more of these smaller ones that are only 5" in size.  They smell so good!


  1. Their hydrangea is the prettiest one I’ve seen — such a stately tree. Glad you can enjoy it! -Marsel

  2. The Tunisian crochet looks very interesting.

  3. Crochet and entrelac together? Wow...that's got to be a challenge. Both of those make my head hurt.
    Those hydrangeas are gorgeous. All of ours and I mean ALL of ours, the whole town's, dried up from the drought and heat. Mine seems to be recovering now, poor thing.

  4. Beautiful hydrangea. I bought my first one this year. I was a little worried - It's a mostly shady spot under the drip line of the maple, and almost everything else I've put there has died. But it's thriving - and just started blooming!

  5. Pretty things all around, including a gorgeous new header photo!

  6. That's a beautiful tree. I've tried to do tunisian crochet but didn't enjoy any of it at all. Maybe I should have persisted, but I figure life is too short to do a hobby I don't like! :-)
    Enjoy your wonderful time with your parents and other family.
    Blessings and hugs,


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!