Thursday, August 29, 2024


A bit of history where my parents' live on the Oswego River 
by Lock #1.  They have spiffed things up a ton 
since I was a teenager here.  Nice to see.
These gates are raised and lowered depending on the complicated water levels both up and down the river.
The birds gather here for the plentiful fish for both man and fowl.
There were many clumps of wild grapes which looked so pretty near the water's edge.

I am heading home today.  Enough said about goodbyes.


  1. What a lovely trip you've had. I love the closet redo, I need to think about putting more shelves in my craft closet!! Have a safe trip home.

  2. Too bad your trip is coming to an end, but I bet the kitties miss you!

  3. Wild grapes! I haven't seen them in years. The smell so good. Like grape jelly simmering on the stove.

  4. It looks like a very interesting place to visit and grow up too. I know your family will be sad to see you leave to go home.
    Blessings and hugs,


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