Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Desert Places

Not too far out back, is a very arid area of our yard that has precious little tree cover.  As a result, the area is very different from the rest of our property.
This is the section that attracts the Gopher Tortoise.
We have several active holes. 
 The size of the hole reflects the size of the tortoise-it is oval shaped like them, too!
Bill plants all kinds of things around their homes to make the area more attractive since he doesn't mow over these spots!
This is the first Rain Lily of the season!
 They are not only pretty-they smell pretty, too, and that is a rare treat here!
 Another plant that is happy out in the 'desert' is a multitude of cactus!
The fruit is growing on this one-
 And a new bloom is getting ready to open!
 There are Spanish Sword and sago palms,
 And this unknown scrub bush is blooming.
 When you are driving and see one of these pasture bushes in bloom-it looks like it is covered in bubbles!
See what I mean?!  I should look up what these are so we can all know!


  1. What a difference from your usual photos of the plants where you live!

  2. Wow, I had no idea you had this type of plants on your property. The lily is beautiful!

  3. Beautiful blooms and so different than anything in my area.

  4. it looks very natural, not planted at all! probably why the wildlife is attracted to that area? it's nice to have enough "garden" to enjoy different habitats, I think! better than living in the city with one of those towel gardens - tiny piece of lawn plus one pot plant:)

  5. I love the diversity of flora and fauna at your house! So beautiful.

  6. I'm so happy you are making the home of the tortoises pretty. They deserve something nice too.

    They crack me up ..........they can really MOVE getting into their burrows. We had one that used to visit our yard regularly. I don't know where he lived, but he had a path across the back yard and he never varied from his path.


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