Thursday, April 20, 2017

We Present this Medallion to You!

 Ta Da!  In only 10 months, I pieced my medallion quilt and then quilted it!
I enjoyed every step of this discounted Craftsy class!
The dimensions of this quilt are 89" x 81"
 I tried to do a different quilting design for every area;  
it got a bit complicated through the middle but really fun as I go further along!
 I free motion quilted it and totally relaxed and enjoyed the work.
I also learned halfway through the quilt that I could use my
sewing chair at its highest level at the quilting frame!
No standing for hours!!!!
Which just goes to show you, you can teach an old dog new tricks!
And in the evening as I spread the quilt on my bed,
 Nyki promptly jumped up to take a bath!

(No, the quilt is not for my bed but I wanted to try it out before I fold it up for use somewhere for someone!)


  1. I think that is one of the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen. It would have taken me years and years.

  2. It's beautiful! And obviously kitty approved.

  3. What a beautiful quilt! Well done. I love the border fabric.

  4. I do not sew , so you can imagine my admiration of such an amazing piece of handiwork. IT is Art

  5. What a work of art! Absolutely beautiful!!


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