Monday, April 3, 2017


The RSC2017 I am participating in, has wild and crazy
 unable-to-put-into-one-slot fabrics for the month.
I picked this rainbow fabric I used in another quilt last year
 and will not use it in this year's quilt
but rather will make a small quilt out of these blocks instead!
Challenges make you look at things differently 
and you grow accordingly!
Now to find time to piece it....


  1. The colors are a welcome SPring pick me up. Lots of rain here. So I turn to my crafts for color and yours are amazing

  2. Very mod.

    Your quilt squares could hang out with MY socks. LOL

  3. Challenge met. What great blocks. Best of all, troublesome fabric put to good use.

  4. LOVE the circle within the star!! FUN fabric choices, too!

  5. I love the blocks and wish I had some of that fabric. It is just my style. :)


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