Saturday, April 15, 2017


When you have some guest towels you never use....
but you need a couple more towel bibs, what do you do?!
(This antique was given to me at a baby shower for my youngest (30yo) and it remains in use for all the grands have used it!)
Get creative!
I cut the neck holes....
Added the ribbing.
Removed the lace!
And now have two very helpful towel bibs for youngest chower!
I do like a successful mission!

(And even though I missed all the sickness going around this winter,
I now have a doozy of a head cold!
Life is moving fast all around me.
And I am moving like molasses on snow.....


  1. That's a great use!

    I'm fighting a cold too. I suspect Dave brought it home from the kids at the school.

  2. Oh, wow...who would have thought of that? You, of course! That's just brilliant!

  3. Loved the way you up-cycled the towel. That will make a very tidy bit for a messy chower.

    Hope you are feeling better soon.

  4. Hooray for big-boy clothes protectors!! :)

    So sorry you're sick...

  5. Those alone area reason for me to learn to sew. My Sister would make them for my toddlers and they were the BEST


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