Monday, April 10, 2017

Perspective Lessons

 This is where we went Saturday for Art Class, Sprague House, an historic building in town that is a restaurant/inn now.
We sat on this side and looked the house over and chose where and what we wanted to highlight.
 We looked at an overview-you know, the BIG picture
 and then particular details to bring out in our painting.
The cell ph pics were to help us back in our studio
 to find things we might have missed in the first sketching.
For example, we all missed the fact that there were flags on the railing!
 This is the beginning of my point of view for the class.
And then when I looked at my last photo, I knew I would do this sketch and painting again with the VERTICAL view-I loved the balance of this one the best!

Just like a good shawl pattern, there is that what if moment-what would happen if I knit this in a different yarn or skipped that part or added a border.......
you get the idea.


  1. Beautiful architecture. My sister is returning to painting after 30 plus years. What can I get her ???

  2. Your sketch is beautiful!

  3. What a beautiful place to take an Art class! Your sketch looks great!

  4. Your sketch does look great and that big tree is wonderful!

  5. That is one gorgeous place to sketch!

  6. I'd like to poke around that building inside and out! Nice sketch; I'm so glad you stuck with these classes!


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