Thursday, April 13, 2017

Angel's Trumpet

 This bloom is about 15" long;  I know it is hard to imagine
 but this plant becomes a very large vine and needs room to grow.  
This is a small plant but already it has the large bloom of  an adult plant. 
 When viewed from the bottom, the plant takes on the appearance of an snow angel!
See what I mean!
And no, in case you are wondering-there is no powerful floral aroma.
The attraction is beyond our nasal abilities but sure sets off our visual delights!


  1. Wow! That's gorgeous! I've never seen it in that color....only yellow and white. Incredible!

  2. What a stunning flower! Isn't our world filled with amazing beauty.

  3. gorgeous, unfortunately our summers aren't warm enough to get them to flower properly:( and I think these huge blossoms would suffer terribly in our wind! but thanks for showing them online, at least I can look if I can't have them:) happy easter to you and your family
    Bettina (from ireland, where it's fresh and grey again - right on time for easter:()

  4. Oh so lovely. The pinks fade as it gets lighter near the center of the flower is just beautiful

  5. Such a stunning flower! I'd love to live some place with such beauty!


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