Friday, April 7, 2017

The Evening Knitter

 One sock in the Solar pattern is finished.
 A great pattern and an interesting yarn makes this a great knit.
 I bound off and immediately cast on the second sock.
I don't have a lot of time to knit during the day but with an hour a night, progress is certainly measurable!
I also get to knit on the way to and from church-that is a very relaxing time while Bill drives and we talk easy and relevant stuff.....
These are the poinsettias on either side of my front sidewalk.  Isn't their coloring interesting?
It reminds me of the socks!


  1. Nice sock! The poinsettias are very interesting - never seen any like them.

  2. You are rocking it with the socks. Poinsettas here tend to look pathetic when regrown after the holidays. I'm impressed by yours lady!

  3. Great socks. I love that color is just seems so ... happy!

  4. They are a match! I can't get over seeing poinsettias in bloom out in the real world.

  5. I absolutely love everyone of the socks you make. I have bought so many of the patterns. Thanks so much for posting them. They are just delightful.

  6. Gorgeous colors for those socks! And wow, have the poinsettias exploded just since I was there!


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