Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Firsts and Lasts

 While the boys played out front, I knit on this second Shadow Hat.  I cast on 90 stitches and knit it farther along before I started the decreases for the top.  I think I have it a bit too long so that it will wash and dry just right this time.  (Still out of Chroma fingering weight.)
 The Italian Non-Prickly Pear Cactus has its first bloom!
 You know it is near to May when you see these yellow prickly pear cactus flowers!
There are 6 camellias on this bush-the last of them.
This year they have broke their blooming season record! 
 Our Magnificent Magnolia tree has its first blooms
-lots and lots of them!
 The Angel Trumpet has two different colored blooms on the same branch!
 I've finally had enough of the old high chair seat-
An upgrade was in order and approved by its present occupant! lol


  1. That cactus reminds me of a great margarita I used to get at my favorite Mexican place. It was some sort of cactus flavor. They stopped making them though and I was so sad. Everytime I see a cactus, I want one.

  2. Lovely blooms! We have a couple magnolias around the complex and they are just starting to bloom - not nearly as big as yours though! Wow!

  3. Your charity hats are lovely. Your yard blooms are so different than mine. I love seeing the cactus!

  4. That hat looks so squiggly soft!!!!

    Your yard is full of such pretty colorful flowers. The magnolias along Riverside Avenue have been majestic!!! I love spring!

  5. Your flowers are glorious!
    That is such a pretty hat.

  6. Beautiful flowers! Can you reach any of the magnolia blossoms to float in a bowl?!

    The renovated high chair looks great!


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