Thursday, April 6, 2017

Bucket List

 Chasing little boys
 to find the pine tree forest
and harvest its needles.


  1. Good morning, Just curious, do you make pine needle baskets with your collected needles? We are in FL for a few more days and because it looks not to be a beach day we may go searching for those lovely long pine needles.

  2. there a project in their future?

  3. Hmmmmm, what are you making? We are all so curious!!

  4. The best thing about kids - they are ALWAYS up for an adventure!

  5. Such cute images. They are so small under the big pines! What do you use the bundles for? Firestarter? I have lots of pines and needles....

  6. Are you going to be making some baskets?

  7. Okay that first photo made me feel the happy sunshine inside. So sweet.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.