Monday, September 25, 2017

Paw Socks and Pow Flowers

 The I Love Fall knitting interrupted the progress on these socks for my oldest grandchild!  I got to work and concentrated on getting them done after I had to rip them out the other day!
 I love the little paw prints for his kitty love!
 After being excited about my ONE bloom on the was pointed out that there were several more-10 altogether in the front yard!!!!!
I went out late again to see these 5 in their full aromatic glory!  My, oh, my!


  1. Five blooms! Wow, the fragrance must have been heavy and heavenly.

    The socks are adorable.

  2. The socks are so cute. You've got a big crop of those flowers this year. It must smell wonderful!

  3. The socks are on the intended feet and they put smiles on both faces, too! Thanks! 💚


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....