Saturday, September 23, 2017

Quilting Re-visited

 This project has been languishing for quite a few months but I gave in and bought different fabrics than the line I thought I could make the whole thing from.  I sewed most of the blue row 
 and then cut out all the rest of the yellow ones I have to piece-there are eight blocks in these piles!  I also went through what fabric I do have from the Robert Kauffman line so the next time I go to JoAnn's I will know what I need!  I am using 4 values of each of the colors from darkest to lightest.  It feels good to have a working plan again!

(See the 'block' under the yellow block?  It is Will's block he designed!  I love that he likes to work with me in the studio!)


  1. Wow, beautiful!! Love Will's block, too. :)

  2. Will's block is so creative! !
    THose who quilt are so creative!!! I love the barn quilt signs around the farmland here

  3. I cannot imagine cutting and keeping track of so many pieces!

  4. That little block is so precious!!! That is going to be another show stopper. I can't believe all the piecing that has already gone into it.

  5. Will has quite a way with color (and so do YOU)!


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....