Monday, February 3, 2020

National QOV Sew Day

All day Saturday I sewed with others to make quilts for Quilts of Valor !
There were about 24 of us who hauled our machines and set to work 
measuring, cutting, sewing and pressing to make quilt tops for this group. 
 I had a partner from my weekly group
 and we almost finished our top;
I have to finish the bottom right corner which I will sew during group today.

I'm going to share this photo because today
is my Dad's 87th birthday!
For the past 11 years,
 I have had the pleasure of my Dad's company on his birthday
but with their decision to avoid travel ,
I won't get to see him today!
 Skype will have to do!
Happy Birthday, Dad!


  1. The youngest 87 year old I’ve ever known, I think! 💙

    That quilt is very attractive.

  2. Happy birthday to your dad!!!!

  3. That's a gorgeous quilt!
    How wonderful to be able to share a birthday with a parent even if it is by Skype. I hope he has a wonderful day and is rightfully spoiled!

  4. Lovely quilt! And happy birthday to your dad. He's looking great for 87!

  5. Happy Birthday to your Dad! February is a great month for birthdays isn't it? :-)
    I think your quilt is lovely. Thank you to all who make QOV's. As the wife, daughter and sister of many veterans I appreciate you.

  6. Happy Bday to your Dad!! Mine is coming up on 89 in March. Love the QOV top you got going there! Such a wonderful charity to be involved with.


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