Friday, February 21, 2020

The Pond

 Remember the pond?
It's back;  the flood waters have receded after 2 years!
See the banana grove way in the back right.
This is looking at our pond from the neighbors' side of our property, looking west.  
 But as nice as it is to get the pond back again, the landscape is forever changed for my lifetime!
 Most of the pine trees have died along with the maples.
 The East Palatka Holly died, too.  Bill has done a lot of landscaping, too.
He's built up the rim of the pond, and built up roads so that if the lake overflows again,
it won't isolate the whole area from our access. 
 The clearing of the mess will keep Bill busy for a very long time!
Bill and David have been fishing out in the pond.
Not a bad sized bull head!
It was released in the swamp across from the access road-
Bill will stock the pond with tilapia
so he will try to remove the bull heads.
 Here's something else to remove from the pond---a 3' eel!
it gave the guys quite a startle!
I think that is a golden orb spider in the top portion of the photo!


  1. How exciting — I didn’t realize the pond has reappeared! It is a little startling, though, how much the landscape has changed. The eel...yuck!

  2. Your pond looks as sad as my wooded backyard. After we get the big trees cut up and moved we are going to have to take down a lot of smaller ones that are broken off and dying. I am not sure what is killing all our trees but it's sad...and scary.

  3. That bullhead is one ugly fish! And the eel - yuck!

  4. EWWW! Eels! Yuck. I didn't know you had a pond. I guess I'm a "newer" reader and I arrived after the flood waters. I used to fish for bullhead back in Nebraska in my youth. They are mean fish and I've been stung more than once.
    I'm sorry about your trees. It does look like a lot of work to clean up.

  5. I think your trees will come back ! I do believe your banana trees will bring you joy again. Nature has a way right?

  6. Flooding really does a number on the landscape, that's for sure!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!