Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Yay! and Nay!

Right on time, the big tractor trailer pulled up at the end of our driveway to drop off my new, full sized lathe! 
Bill met him at there with the tractor and forks to bring the 484 lb box up to the garage!
Where it is sitting pretty until things settle down here and I can open it up!  
Another beautiful season of budding for the dwarf canna lily--just spectacular!

The nay in all of the good news is that the furniture delivery has been put off another month.  Again.  April?  No, but May, yes....then they said June....and now they tell me it will really be here in July-like the first.  I said I will believe it when I see it.  I am so ready to have the finishing touch on all of the work we've done. 

 I will go out and pet my lathe in its box.


  1. Yikes! That's a heavy delivery. How come a new lathe? IS it bigger and better? curious minds want to know - lol. Sorry about the furniture...that is so disappointing.

  2. A new lathe! How exciting! I sure understand about the furniture. I ordered ours the first week of April. They said it would be the end of July before it arrived. But...Dennis and I went in and ordered a new sofa for the family room just before he went back to Spokane and we asked them to check on the living room furniture and lo and behold it was in and had been for THREE WEEKS! So, when I get back from Spokane I will start calling weekly to check on the sofa. Who knows? Maybe it will be early too.
    Have fun with your new toy. Bill looks exhausted on the tractor. It must have been HOT there.

  3. That kinda weighs a lot!! Can't wait to see it!

  4. Sorry about the furniture. I just ordered the fencing kit for my catio, and I've got my fingers crossed that there are no delays getting it to me!!!

  5. Once all the ports deal with the backlog of freight, the showrooms and warehouses will be full. Until then, it’s hard to be patient. Good thing you have a tractor for the heavy lifting.

  6. Whoa...that's some big toy!! I can't wait to see it in action. I am starting to worry about my cabinets. I am wondering if we will get another delay notice. We started working on the floor again today so I am sure we jinxed it.

  7. Whoa! That looks huge; I can't wait to see your first creation with it.
    Interesting that your canna lily is in a pot as they are usually grown outside here. I've never seen a dwarf one though.


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 Knocked down with another migraine this week-let's add vertigo and vomiting with this one!  Fun. Marsel bought me this pad of watercolo...