Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Twice as Nice

My view each morning for breakfast;  
I enjoy watching the hummingbirds 
and all of the visitors to the bird feeder out farther in the yard.
It's not unusual to see the sandhill cranes cleaning up the seed from the song birds but what a surprise to see this family of four!  (our usual parents have only one baby!)  Sure enough, they were in the back yard while these guys ate in the front.  
So entertaining!
I not only sewed the first dress of silky fabric.....
I made a second from the fabric my daughter brought me last month!  Things went very smoothly but I used bias fabric strips to bind the neckline and the armholes instead of facings.  
I sewed it to the front, folded it to the back and stitched in the ditch to secure and then trimmed the fabric close to this seam.  It is neat and lightweight for this kind of fabric.  
After doing the sewing, I did a bit of outdoor work (no humidity today!)  and put up both bird houses in the front garden! 
 The other one is on the opposite side but I couldn't get a pic because it was straight into the sun!

I did put up the one board in my sewing room.  
No more Friskies in the crack below the wall! lol



  1. Fun to see the fabric become dresses — hooray!

  2. Beautiful fabrics and nice job on the dresses - very pretty!

  3. That's quick work on the sewing front - your ability to get projects done always inspires me and the results are beautiful. They look very comfortable to wear too. Making your own bias-biding is always more elegant, I think. I'm envying you your climate and wildlife; I've only once seen humming birds up close and it was mesmerising.

  4. Those dresses are lovely and I need to learn to put bias tape bindings for my dresses too, as the interfacings tend to turn under sometimes. Thanks for the tip!
    Brilliant idea for the quarter round on your desk top too. It's very true that the fouod definitely would find itself where you DINDN'T want ti.
    Blessiings andhugsk'

  5. So impressed by your dresses! They look perfect for summer!

  6. What a paradise you live in!!!
    The dresses are lovely. I'm definitely a dress person as soon as it gets hot.

  7. Love the dresses and your breakfast view! You just might tempt me to sew some summer dresses.

  8. Love your dresses!!! Hmm, I have some lightweight cotton in a pretty floral, maybe I need to whip up a summer lounging dress?

  9. wonderful view! great dresses! yay for no lost kibbles!


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I enjoyed my last book so much,  I ordered this one of different landscape scenes! Yup, it is so wonderful to just savor the joy of color!