Monday, May 31, 2021


I've added one of the four corners to the square of last month's kit.  Every row was different and very interesting to do;  I'm very grateful for the video that accompanies the pattern, I will say that!
I'm trying to make the second corner without assistance. 
 We will see how I do!  I am enjoying it.

Be sure and thank a veteran today
 for securing your 'day off' .
We've paid a very high price for our leisure 
and would do well to remember that fact.


  1. What a gorgeous square. I hope you do manage to make it without watching the video. I'm tired of Piper's blanket but I need to finish it before I move on to something else.
    Thank you for the last sentence. It's very important that we remember that.

  2. Crochet mystifies me. That looks so complicated. My little Audun squares are giving my poor brain a real workout.
    We had a big sunrise ceremony here at the memorial park on the bay this morning. I am proud to say that our little town does a good job at honoring the fallen. Many of the benches that line the boardwalk are dedicated to those who gave up their lives in service. It's very moving to see them and a constant reminder of how much some sacrifice. Daughter's husband did 3 tours of Iraq and I can't imagine his mother's anguish all those years waiting at home.

  3. The meaning of Memorial Day is often ignored. Many individuals and families have paid dearly for our freedom.

  4. Interesting corner! And Amen!!!

  5. Gosh, that looks complicated ... You have my admiration. And yes, we need to honour those who gave their lives for us.


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