Friday, May 28, 2021

Out and About

I went for xrays of my hand and feet yesterday for the 'proof' of psoriatic arthritis then a doctor's appointment after that--it is tiring to be out and about!  I have this new kit to tackle for the Moroccan Afghan and I can't wait to dig in!  This installment is to add triangles on each side so that it is a square in a square--it should prove interesting to learn how to make the shaping on each side!
I only did a little work on the house--I framed in the attic access in the dining room.

 Here is what it looked like before I framed it--just 4 long screws to hold the 'door' in place.  This is one in the hall and I will make the frame for this one today so that area will be completed.  I might mention that working on the floor (bending over and kneeling) isn't a ton of fun but I will do that any day compared to working over my head!!!!  Wow, is that awkward and uncomfortable!

I will get to that dress today and load the Dreamscape Window top on the quilt frame!

What will you be doing?!


  1. Those are such pretty colors in your crochet project.
    I agree...hands over head is terrible work. We've still got a lot of hallway painting to do when all the kitchen is done and I am dreading it. One of my shoulders is not very happy right now and I have no idea what I did to it but sleeping has not been fun.

  2. Love your crochet project - very pretty. Looks southwestern to me (the colors). And, yes, working over your head is extremely tiring! Great job on framing the attic access - it looks so nice.

  3. I agree that it’s difficult working overhead. I can easily paint walls, but painting a ceiling is torturous which is why I hired someone to paint for me before I sold my house. Have fun crocheting.

  4. I do NOT like working over my head either. That's the reason we hired someone to do the painting before we moved. Your ceiling access trim looks great!
    I hope all of your tests come out well and you can get the help you need to ease the pain. My family, (all siblings), all have psoriasis. We inherited it from our Grandma who was completely covered with it before it was understood by medical people at all. They gave her the opposite advice we're told now. She was miserable. My siblings all have it much worse than I did. It must have been living in the Pacific Northwest, because now that I'm back here around where they all live, I'm getting patches on my skin. Oh joy! It's always something.

  5. Today I was hoping to accomplish a whole list of things. Instead I only managed to do some banking (directing our downpayment funds - closing is on Tuesday!), and argue with my pharmacy over a prescription they've failed to refill for three days in a row (I get a different story each time). Tonight I'm doing nothing but knitting socks! I'm done!


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It's been a hard week, we started out with a bad reaction to meds, then getting a new one.  It is so hard to get in touch with the docto...