Saturday, May 29, 2021


My daughter gave me this classy note paper made of linen;  I folded it to be a note card.
And it took the watercolor paint beautifully!  I mailed the first one I did without taking a picture, silly me but I have many sheets to play with to try all kinds of colors!
Forgive the funny lighting--but I finished the green dress
 and made the changes to the pattern pieces
 that was necessary for a good fit around the armholes.
I had promised a friend (Jessica) 
that I would post a pic of me wearing it
 but when we were eating supper, it rained 
and then it was dark 
and I didn't feel like taking a pic in the house....
blah, blah on with the excuses
 but I will promise a photo of me in the dressy one to come!  
(I had forgotten how much I enjoy making clothes;  
it was a good hour sewing!)
I will work on more baseboards today-yesterday didn't go so well.


  1. Oh, the dress is gorgeous!! Makes me want to get some clothing made, maybe. Looks like you have items going in all the crafts and arts!

  2. The dress is so cute! Love the colour!

  3. Pretty watercolor and I love how the dress turned out. That trim is really spiffy. I need to find an emerald green dress for son's wedding in August. I'm thinking of just making one of my usual dresses if I can find the right material.

  4. That is a very clever idea with the note card. I saw a video once where someone painted the same thing for a year to really understand how the colors worked.
    The dress is lovely. I used to like making clothes until I moved all the sewing stuff into the small room. It is too cramped in there to make bigger things so I stopped.

  5. The dress is gorgeous, I would wear it all the time. Well done.


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