Sunday, May 16, 2021

Just a Stone or Two

Bill and Caleb worked on running electricity to the shed in Caleb's back yard;  Matthew and I started with this project and arranged the stones to make a patio!
In between the stone laying, Cassandra and I played with kids (all four cousins!) and laid out a great dinner.  Caleb cooked a beef brisket in the smoker all day and the aroma was torturous and delicious all at once!   
After a fantastic dinner, we forced ourselves to get back to work!  We finished our project while Cassandra bathed the kids and Bill finished up his wiring and Caleb cleaned up the peripheral area--we made a great team!  Hugs to all and off for home we traveled-it was a wonderful day.
I leave you shot of my dwarf Hydrangea--it is covered with blooms!  
Naps and knitting after church is the plan of the day today!


  1. How fun to be part of the team to get so much accomplished!

  2. It looks great! Here's to teamwork!!!

  3. It looks wonderful, great job by all.

  4. What a great project - it looks great!

  5. That's a productive day! And aren't you the best grandparents? Babysitting and building at the same time!

  6. What an awesome patio! And even better, the time spent with family.

  7. It looks great! Many hands make light work! That's a saying our church in Spokane used a LOT and it's true. How fun to complete such a beautiful project together.
    Blessngs and hugs,

  8. Sorry I've not posted for so long! Looks like you're still your very productive self. I've never seen a dwarf hydrangea! How fun; the flower reminds me a bit of violets.


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