Saturday, May 8, 2021

Back -Up

Lena helped me iron out the backing for the table runner--
I had to be careful of  that swishing tail!
I added the diagonal stripes and set it over the table runner 
and--see it on the left?  
I couldn't believe it still peeked out!
I added a little strip-all I had left, and that covered it up. 
 I loaded it on the frame and pinned it to the top so it wouldn't get folded under when I came to it! 
 Unorthodox but it worked!
I couldn't resist starting it and made a lot of progress!
I'm doing each flower a little differently and thoroughly enjoyed it!
As for the QOV , I got as far as making the miles of binding
 but didn't attach it. 
 I will tackle it first thing today!


  1. I am happy to see I am not the only one who has backing drama. Those little peeks get me every time.

  2. Gorgeous quilt... and oh, Lena, that tail!!xx

  3. Oh Lena! LOL. Such a cute table runner.

  4. Thank you for your kind comment about Teresa. As I read it I realized your blog is not on my blogroll, I thought it was weird I hadn't seen your blog for a bit, then I realized two more blogs were off also. What happened? Why you three? I have no idea but you are up and running on my sidebar once again. Stay safe my friend.

  5. Wonderful! Tibbi is helpful like Lena when I'm ironing and sandwiching up at Mom's!

  6. I love those sweet little flowers, the fabric is perfectly "vintagy". Is that a word? :-) That tail is going to get flattened if you're not careful. Lena is so trusting isn't she? She knows you love her.
    Blessings and hugs,


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