Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Did You Know

This is David, a recent 19 year old, my first grandchild.  
 Bill and David have been fishing out back 
on the little lake behind us catching and releasing bass!

Did you know this is Deaf Awareness Week?  David was diagnosed with a degenerative hearing loss when he was a toddler and just last month woke up not hearing impaired (able to have hearing aids to hear) but completely deaf.  It has been a jolt for all of them but he has handled it with the grace and confidence of a young man who is has a solid faith in God and sees God's care even in this event.  This quick and precious visit was squeezed in by his family because in a few weeks David will undergo surgery for a cochlear implant and a few months after that have the same surgery for the other ear.  It will be a very intense schedule of appointments and therapy for David as he learns how to 'hear' again with the implants through the summer.

Now you understand how much of a blessing this visit is for us to be able to spend time with them!

I will keep you posted on how they are all doing in the months ahead!


  1. Best of luck to him - hoping the surgeries go well.

  2. So thankful we could spend this time with you before the new adventures begin!! ♥️

  3. My daughter was born hard of hearing. She met her husband to be when she was in pre-school at Gallaudet University where I worked as a teacher so I could get her the expensive treatment and therapy she needed to learn how to read and to speak correctly. Both of her in laws are deaf. The therapies they have now are amazing. Wishing him the best of luck!

  4. What fun to be able to fish with him! Hugs Prayers and a ton of good thoughts heading his way

  5. Wishing David the best and pray the surgeries go well.

  6. May God bless him with a swift and successful surgery! Prayers to the entire family through this time.

  7. A friend of our neighbour had that surgery done last summer. He jokes about his robot ears all the time, but said it's made a huge difference in his life.
    Sending lots of good thoughts for an easy surgery.

  8. Oh wow, what a huge change for him to deal with. Sending prayers your way xx

  9. What an amazing young man. I am sending him and all of you lots of love and positive thoughts as he travels this tough road. Glad you got to visit but the reason is tough. Stay safe.


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