Wednesday, May 26, 2021


I was frustrated because I kept leaving my tools where they weren't convenient;  and sometimes way in the garage when I was back in the house!  I almost called Bill, who was in town for errands, but thought I didn't need to do that-
I could sew my own tool apron!
It fit well with the little bit of elastic in the front keeping it securely in place even when loaded up!  It sure was nice to have everything right where I was every time!  The center was full of the nails I needed and I daresay, I worked much more effectively!
In fact, I finished all the fussy cuts for the quarter round pieces--see all of the angles?!  Might I add that houses do NOT have square angles anywhere! lol
While I was working away, Bill was having a very different adventure; on the way home, his truck engine blew a rod right out the bottom!  A friend saw him pulled off to the side of the road and gave him a ride home to await the towing company who brought the truck along much later. 
 What a very sad event! 
Whenever we think of going to only one car, a day like Thursday arrives with both of us having dr appts but at the same time in two different towns! 
 Nope, not ready yet to be a single vehicle home yet.
And I did finish the binding on the latest QOV-what a good feeling to see a completed quilt!


  1. I wear my apron all day for that very reason. At the end of the day it is full of stuff from all over the house.
    So sorry about the truck. It is sad to see them towed. I cried when they towed Mini home. She's still sitting in the driveway tagless because I still can't part with her.

  2. You amaze me pretty much every post. Need an apron? Sew one right then and there. Of course you have the fabric for it too! That quarter round looks great. I wish you lived here. I would hire
    YOU to redo our bathroom! :-) The quilt is beautiful too.
    So sorry about the truck. We went to a single car household many years ago too because I was a stay at home Mom at the time and we thoght we could save some $ by just having one car. That did NOT work. We were amazed at how man times we needed another vehicle.

  3. I have an old nail apron I use occasionally for keeping tools handy. I must say, your apron is more stylish, as mine has the lumberyard advertising on the front. Great job on the baseboards!

  4. Good job with the tool belt apron. :) Car problems are always a pain. Thankfully a friend was right there to give him a lift. Take care.

  5. I'll probably need one of those when we get in the new place!

    Sorry about the car troubles. We were a one-car household for about a year, and while we managed it, it did take careful planning. You always have to check with the other to make sure plans don't conflict. Of course, that was when Dave was driving to work. Now he makes me drive him if he needs to go anywhere, so we probably could manage it better now!

  6. Your quilt is wonderful! And go you on the base boards! Sorry about the truck, prayers for a replacement soon.


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