Thursday, May 6, 2021

Grandmother's Flower Garden Runner

I did it!  The Grandmother's Flower Garden table runner is completely pieced and waiting its turn on the frame! 
 It's big-and will look very striking on the table-soon!
As I watered the flowers this morning, 
I noted the blooms inside the bromeliads.  
So delicate and such a funny color compared to its host!
I spent some time at the lathe! 
 This vase is from a Sycamore branch. 
 I left some bark it and didn't worry about getting it completely round--I like the look of the vase emerging from the branch! 
 It is 10' tall and about 3" at its widest. 
 This one is going to my sister--a thank you for the gift of the visit last month.



  1. Three different kinds of pretty!

  2. Such pretty projects and pretty flowers too!

  3. Eager to see how you quilt this one. And what a lovely vase.

  4. Love the runner! It looks so springlike and happy and your beautiful lathe work never fails to amaze me. Your sister is sure to love that lovely little vase.

  5. The runner is lovely! I do love hexies.

  6. Lovely runner! I hope you'll share more picks of the bromeliad as it blooms


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