Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Grapefruit and Yarrow

Another natural edge bowl from the grapefruit tree. 
 It is such a pleasure to work with this wood!
Since it was turned from a crotched branch, it has a very interesting grain pattern and lots of color in the wood.  
(Happy Birthday, daughter;  this one is yours!)

In the front yard, my patch of yarrow has really spread with the rain this year.  It looks so soft and pleasant.
And it is blooming!  
What a pleasing texture and color for this plant. 
 I need to read up on how to use it for tea!


  1. Woohoo, thank you! Also, thanks for doing all the work forty-four years ago today! 🙂

  2. The colors in that bowl are gorgeous!!!

  3. Another beautiful bowl. I used to have yarrow growing...somehow it managed to disappear!

  4. A beautiful bowl. I love wood and all the knots, textures, and colors that appear when you work with it. I'm sure it's always a lovely surprise as to what emerges.

  5. A fabulous birthday gift for your daughter!

  6. That is a beautiful bowl too with all of the interesting colors and textures. I'm sure Marsel is thrilled with it.
    I have always wondered what yarrow looked like but for some reason I never looked it up. It almost looks like a fern.

  7. My Yarrow is doing well too - but it won't be blooming for a while yet!


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