Sunday, November 6, 2022


I am back on track with the hand knitting!  The sweater looks too wide but the manequin doesn't have shoulders!  I am almost ready to separate the arms and body.
The beginning of November always means we start to see our camellias!  
The white one is always first by a few weeks and it is usually the last to bloom also!


  1. That's going to be a beautiful sweater! Hope you survived the hurricane safely. Our camellias sure don't bloom in November but not till spring!

  2. Lovely sweater! My camellias are covered in buds and they better stay that way until spring. It doesn't take much for them to bloom and it's been in the 70's here all week.

  3. Pretty pattern! I can almost smell that camellia!

  4. Oh I love the sweater pattern and the color! It's going to be so pretty xx

  5. Sweater is looking great so far! Beautiful camellias too!


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.