Saturday, November 5, 2022


While I am away, Bill is joining in our community garage sale!  He has been cleaning out and stacking piles.  There is also a lot of stuff he brought from the church's storage that the men cleaned out at work day last week!  
He always has things for men, women and children to buy!
Even pet owners have a choice of extras!  Hope you get rid of it all, my dear!


  1. May the sales be many and the leftovers be few!!! :)

  2. Yard sales are so much fun. We used to have them all the time when we lived in town. You're always surprised what folks will buy.

  3. Hope you are being renewed at your retreat! Finally catching up after too long away from blog reading. Love all the fibery and yarny stuff you've been accomplishing.

  4. I'm really late in getting on the computer today. I hope the garage sale went well and everything is gone. Also, I've been praying for you at the retreat and that you're having a wonderful time of refreshing.

  5. Boy, do we ever need to do something like that! Hope the sale was very successful.


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 I am not going to be around for a while; my 9 year old grandson has perished in a house fire.  We are devastated.