Sunday, November 20, 2022


The watermelon fruits socks are half done!  What a good knit!  None of the drama from the last pair I knit-- this one made me glad to knit socks again!
And then I knit another braided cable hat on the Sentro 
and sewed on the label tabs.  I am so enjoying making these! 
 I played yarn chicken on the pink Muse but it worked out to my favor by 5"! lol  I have purple set aside for the next  one!

And for the record-we started our first fire in the fireplace yesterday!  We have had several mornings in the 40's and it looks to be cloudy and cooler all week.  The fires just takes the chill out of the house!



  1. That is some great yarn! I've always wanted to knit a pair of watermelon socks. I think I even have a kit here somewhere but I don't think they are as pretty as that one.
    Love those hats. I just ordered some chunky yarn to make myself a plain ribbed hat. They seem to all the rage this year-at least among the podcasters I watch. Everyone has one on so now I want one too.

  2. The sock looks fantastic! What fun yarn!

  3. Somehow I missed a post! I'm so behind this week. It's been like this all fall and although I thought it would get better when we moved, it's actually gotten worse. I have so much going on here with fun things to do and then we're still at Mom's a lot too. I used to post while Dennis was working, but with him retired now, I'm busier than ever because he's always on the go. :-) Not complaining at all, just trying to figure out ways to keep on top of blogs and blogging myself. Maybe after the holidays? I keep saying, "Maybe after...." and it never happens. At least I'm keeping up on household chores. :-)
    Your watermelon socks are so much fun. I think Piper would like some of those. I'll have to keep an eye out for some yarn. As always the hats are great. Are you donating them somewhere?
    Take care my friend and rest, rest, rest.
    Blessings and hugs,


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I had to fast for four hours before the CT scan so I figured I needed to keep busy so I stitched all of the blocks together into a real top....